France, 23/2/1917
My Dear Mother, I have just written a fairly long letter to Father but feel that I ought also to add a line or two for you although there really is not a great deal to tell you, except that I am still well and fit and expect things to happen shortly of which more later.
What I really wanted to write you tonight was to ask you to draw another 10 pounds from my account to buy yourself anything you need. I know you will not want to do this but I have decided that you must. You see you have done me any amount of good turns in the past and it is to me to do you a good turn occasionally. I can see you are giving the point about taking my money when you think that I will want it etc. Now look at it this way. I am young and strong with the world before me and able to earn any amount more.
You are not young and things are not going too sweetly at home and it is useless to try to disguise the fact from me. Therefore knowing you as I do I know there are dozens of things which you want, that you have not got. Therefore I have decided that you must have them and I will get them for you. So for goodness sake, don’t refuse because you will make me miserable.
I have my doubts now whether you used any of the last 10 pounds, because my account is too big according to my reckoning. If I was at home I would just buy what you wanted myself, now I must trust you to do what I ask. Please don’t refuse.
With love from your affectionate son,