France 9/8/1918

Dear Hilda

Today is being spent by me in absolute comfort that is I am reclining peacefully in my bed in a hospital in France between nice clean sheets with a real nice (Red) Cross sister to come to talk to me. After what we have all just experienced this mammy coddling goes down very well indeed and I am just the one who knows how to take it for what it is worth.

Note the shaky writing- the fact is I am shaking like a leaf from shock to the system caused by Fritz’s bombs bursting between my legs and nearly blew them off, I don’t think! At any rate I caught about 25 pieces and got bruised rather badly but expect to be alright again in a couple of weeks as the cuts were only skin deep and bruises will go away soon with rest and then I will be ready for the nice long spell as our Corps is getting after the six-month hard fighting we have been through. There is no doubt the Australians have saved Amiens and have put the wind up Fritz night and day and have killed thousands and taken thousands of prisoners.

Well Kiddie, I received the parcel of sweets etc just prior to going over the top so the three of us having nothing better to do, sat down and ate the last. I had the condensed milk in my pocket when I was ‘stonkered’.

Well cheerio Hilda and I hope you are well and cheerful as usual.

With love from your affect Bro

Walter France

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