France, 18/8/1918

Dear Lil,

I have written to most of the others at home so of course I can’t leave you out of it so here goes for an attempt. I am now out of bed after 9 days. The wound etc. to my right leg is nearly well and the leg is becoming quite serviceable again and I can hobble about quite nicely. But I am absolutely fed up with being mammy- coddled and would much rather be back with the battalion again and if I can hasten things along here I will certainly do so. There are also good prospects of leave to England also as soon as I am ready for it, and I also want to get my teeth attended to now that I am in a position to do so. Therefore the sooner I am out of this place the better.

Tonight the weather is cloudy and squally which is a good thing as old Fritz will now not be able to come and bomb us whilst we are in bed. He does a good deal of it out here and the people seem to have the wind up a good deal.

Well, Gig, I have been recommended again for the MC, but whether I get it or not is another thing. For my part I wish they would either give me the dashed thing or shut up about it. I seem to do things in the line just a little better than the ordinary but not good enough to get the coveted decoration or to suit the “big wigs” who are our judges in such matters. The last time I was recommended, at Hangard Wood, I was turned down because the recommendation was 3 days late in getting to Brigade Headquarters and they said they were sorry but they could not do anything with it as it would look like an afterthought to send it in late.

However I am not hankering for honours; but for you at home I would never give them a thought. I never have and never would do anything rash or reckless to try to get an MC etc. Most people who do that get killed. Our casualties in the show were ridiculously light in comparison to the ground we covered and the damage we did, but nevertheless, I lost 2 good and tried friends who were unfortunately killed- one of them was a nephew of Senator Gardner’s and I was instrumental in getting him his first 2 stripes, poor chap!,

Well so long Lil, with love from your affectionate brother,


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