Dear Mother

This is the usual weekly note to tell you that I am still OK and still out my billet. At present I am sports officer of the Battalion and as I am a bit of a sport myself I am having rather a good time as we are having plenty of the football and sport concerts etc. Last night I went to see one of this Lena Ashwells concerts to the troops and enjoyed it immensely. The night before that we went to see our Brigade concert party in a hanger belonging to an aerodrome which was close by ? . I am going to see another show by another Brigade so that we are getting plenty of that class of amusements.

I am a sending you a Brigade Christmas card design by one of our officers and hope it arrives in time to wish you the best of everything. The MC now adorns my noble breast and some day I hoped to send you a photo of myself done up in all the glory.

Well good night as there is nothing to report on the front except that I am happy and contented and am looking forward to the time when this business is finished and I can go home and nag all again (and spank Hilda too).

Yours affect


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