Chastre, Belgium, 24/12/1918 Dear Mother, We have at last arrived at our destination at the above village which is about 9 miles south of the …
Letter to Walter for Promotion
23/12/1918 George, by the grace of God, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and other British dominions beyond the seas. King. Defender of …
Journal about Walcourt Letter
Therefore on December 23rd after having spent only two days at Daussois, we moved the battalion across country to the villages of Chastre and Pry. …
Journal about Beaurepaire Letter
At Beaurepaire, which village we reached dead tired and in drizzling weather, we again allotted the battalion to billets. My own billet which I occupied …
Journal about Marioles Letter
On December 14th, the battalion marched, together with the rest of the Brigade, via the village of Moullens to the village of Marioles, which was …
Letter to Hilda from Vignecourt
Beaurepaire France 9/12/1918 Dear Hilda, I have written to nearly all the members of our family during the l0 days I have been in this …
Letter to Mother from Vignecourt
Australian Commonwealth Military Forces logo. Beaurepaire, France 9/12/1918. Dear Mother, Today I received quite a budget of letters from home, including one from yourself and …
Letter to Gig from Vignecourt
Beaurepaire. France 8/12/1918 Dear Gig, Many thanks for your several interesting letters which I have received lately from you. This war is just about finished …
Letter to Father from Vignecourt
Australian Commonwealth Military Forces logo. Beaurepaire, France 8/12/1918. Dear Father, I have nothing much with which to occupy my time this afternoon so I have …