
George, by the grace of God, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and other British dominions beyond the seas. King. Defender of the Faith. Ever of India. Etc

to our trusty and will be loved and Walter Harold Elkington Greetings:

We, reposing this special Trust and Confidence in your Loyalty Courage and good Conduct do by these Presents Constitute and Appoint you to an Officer in Our Land Forces from the 29th day of September 1917. You are therefore carefully and diligently to discharge your Duty as such in the Rank of Second Lieutenant or in such high Rank as We may from time to time hereafter be pleased to promote or appointed to of which a notification will be made in the London Gazette, and you are at all times to exercise and well-disciplined in Arms both the inferior Officers and Men serving under you and use your best endeavours to keep them in good Order and Discipline. And We hereby, Command them to obey you as their superior Officer and you to observe and follow such Orders and Directions as from time to time you shall receive from Us or any your superior Officer according to the Rules and Discipline of War in pursuance of the Trust hereby reposed in you.

Given that Our Court at Saint James the 23rd day of December 1918 and Ninth Year of Our Reign.

By His Majesty’s Command. (Followed by two signatures).

Walter Harold Elkington.

Second Lieutenant

Land forces

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