Caledonian Railway logo.
Princess Street Station Hotel.
Dear Lil
I am writing this from Edinborough at which place I arrived at eight o’clock last night. It was dark when I arrived and I had a bit of a job to get a billet for the night but at last got fixed up at the “Old Waverley” hotel which is only a second rate hotel but isn’t bad never while. I stayed there last night and then moved my quarters to the above address. This place is some style believe me and if I were not in uniform, I don’t think I would have the game to approach it. It is almost the finest hotel. I have never been in everything is up to date and that is a very convenience etc. It is an enormous building bigger or at least as big as a Hotel Australia about half as expensive. Meals only cost from 3/6 to 5/6 and where there is not much tipping to worry about and I have tons of splosh so why worry.
Today is very frosty and cold and misty and I have not venture out. It is Sunday and also the Scots don’t do anything on Sundays except go to Kirk and ring bells so I eat them taking things easy until tomorrow when I intend to get out after 11 AM and then take a tour around the city.
I have not heard anything yet about when I am going back to Australia but expect it to be in about another two months if I am lucky. When I get back. I expect I will be so dashed lazy that I won’t be good for anything in the nature of work.
While cheerio from your affectionate.