(Front page(s) missing. Further search among documents in other places could ascertain if such pages exist and then added to complete this Letter. This back page may ‘attach’ to Letter “1918-02-06; parades are off today’ but the dates do not match.)
self either the Australians are characteristically obstinate and independent without much real loyalty to the Imperial Crown and nurse a grievance. They have a lot of grievances which sifted out generally fall flat. One is so far as I can make that Blighty clothing ie slacks and tunics are doled out to them in place of Australian clothing. Another is Field punishment which if they get 28 days Number 1 means the loss of about �8 to them. Another is the ruling must have at least �10 credit in his pay book before he can get leave to England so that if a man has gone a bit wrong and has a few debit entries in his pay book he hasnt got much of getting a �10 credit so he cant leave. How real and fancied these grievances are I am not allowed to give my opinion but believing the above and other little things which happen to troops over here I think men may say to themselves ‘I am hanged if I will do anything to bring another man over here to put up with what we have to put up with’. So they’ve voted yes or no according to how they felt on the matter.
Well I am still in the best of health and just beginning to get interested in the military and if this war last 5 or 6 yrs longer and I am still alive I might be a major.
I am glad things are all alright at home and hope be they continue so.
With affectionate thoughts for yourself and those at home I will close
from Walter 15/11/17