On June 19th, I was detailed to attend the 5th Army Musketry School to be held at Pont Remy. Accordingly, accompanied by Pte. Roberts, my batman, I entrained at Ailly-sur-Somme and after a couple of hours in the train found myself at that village. The 5th Army School of Musketry Instruction term lasted for a period of three weeks and included all troops serving in the area occupied by that army. In addition a large number of American officers were also attached to the school for instruction on the Lee Enfield rifle. The work was not hard, and included the usual subjects appertaining to musketry training, plus a good deal of modernised theory and practice. Without going into minute details of the instruction which we received at the school, it is sufficient to say that I applied myself studiously to learn all there was to learn and after a term of three weeks passed out with an “excellent” report, returning to La Motte on July 15th.

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