France 6/2/1918 (Front page(s) missing. Further search among documents in other places could ascertain if such pages exist and then added to complete this Letter.) …
Letter to Mother from Flêtre
France 24/1/18 Dear Mother I am still going strong and enjoying life as far as the various daily annoyances will let me. I have just …
Letter to Mother from Flêtre
France 11/01/18 Dear Mother. The ‘guerre’ is still going strong and so am I. I am writing this from Baileuil whither I have managed to …
Letter to Mother on Christmas Day from Flêtre
France 25/12/1917 Dear Mother Today is Xmas Day and I am in the thick of it near the name of that broach I sent you …
Letter to Mother from Flêtre
29/11/1917 Dear Mother I am taking an advantage of the hospitality of Aunts C and E at their own residence at Worthing to write you …
Letter to Walter at Flêtre camp from Sister
“Roslyn”, Hamilton Road, Fairfield. N SW Dear 2nd. Lieut. Elkingtan, I SALUTE THEE. Congratulations! I’ve already written 3 letters but I thought it would amuse …
Journal about Flêtre camp Letter
The next morning we were entrained at Albert and commenced our journey up north, and after remaining a day at Abbeville, we finally reached Câstre, …
Letter to Father from Dickebush camp
21 November, 1917. Dear Father, I am writing this at the Officer’s Club at a town called Baileuil in Northern France, which you will be …
(Front page(s) missing. Further search among documents in other places could ascertain if such pages exist and then added to complete this Letter. This back …