7/07/1917 Dear Mother Today is the anniversary of my first time over the “parapet’ and incidentally of poor Bert Allen and Billy Hookhams death and …
Letter to Father from Bapaume
C/O Mrs Hookham 24 Donavon Ave Muswell Hill London N10 (no date but Papa wrote on it 4 July 1917) Dear Father I am taking …
Letter to Aunt Evie from Bapaume
3/7/1917 Sgt W.H. Elkington 4106 C. Coy. 20th Battalion A.I.E.F. Dear Aunt Evie, Thanks for your last letter which I received recently & which I …
Journal about Bapaume Letter
Arrived at Boulogne, we were marched to “One Blanket Hill” camp on the west side of Boulogne and there remained the night in huts, being …
Letter to Mother from England
St Aubyns Woodborough Road Putney about July 1917 Dear Mother, I have been granted 10 days leave and am now engage in looking up all …
Journal about England Letter
On June 21, 1917, I was detailed to proceed on leave to England for 10 days. First I was paraded to the battalion M.O. and …
Journal about Puchivillers Letter
About June 13, we suddenly received orders for the battalion to entrain at a Village called Puchivillers, so the same afternoon we entrained and shortly …
Letter to Mother from Rubempre
Address reply to Cpl Elkington 4106. C Coy Batt AIF. (Some paper degradation) Dear Mother. The time has arrived for me to write to you …
Journal about Rubempre Letter
We were informed by Col. Ralston that we would remain for at least five weeks at Rubempre which time was to be spent in training …