Beaurepaire. France 8/12/1918 Dear Gig, Many thanks for your several interesting letters which I have received lately from you. This war is just about finished …
Letter to Father from Vignecourt
Australian Commonwealth Military Forces logo. Beaurepaire, France 8/12/1918. Dear Father, I have nothing much with which to occupy my time this afternoon so I have …
Letter to Father from Vignecourt
Mazingheim, France 25/11/1918. Dear Father. We are still marching and are now at the above village 15 kilo from Bohain. We left this morning and …
Letter to Walter – Military Cross
Commonwealth of Australia. Postmaster General Department. (Note the Pacific Cable is state owned) Cablegram Homebush. Nov 25, 1918 No and route- Eastern 322 London 10 …
Letter to Father from Vignecourt
France. 22/11/1918 Dear Father, We are actually en route for Germany, we left Vignacourt last night per train. The train carried the whole Battalion, lock, …
Letter to Lil from Vignecourt
Bertry France 22/11/1918. Dear Lil, I am writing this between the arrival of training is which I am engaged in unloading. I have been sitting …
Letter to Father from Vignecourt
France, 17/11/1918 Dear Father, Today I received your letter written from Delungra in which you seemed to be rather despondent concerning my wound etc. But …
Letter to Mother from Vignecourt
France 16/11/1918 Dear Mother Just a short note to let you see the old handwriting again and to express a wish that you are happy …
Letter to Mother from Vignecourt
France, 7/11/1918 Dear Mother, The weather is now rotten and today it is raining cats and dogs and is rather cold so I writing a …